Sponsor a pig.

Become a key player in the life of a rescue pig, by becoming their unique sponsor!

It can take mere moments to rescue an animal from harms way, but to keep them safe is a lifetime commitment.

That's where pig sponsors come in...

Your life changing support secures the cost of their in sanctuary care and ensures they will STAY saved each and every day.

  • Barney

It all starts by dedicating a monthly or weekly donation in their name, which covers their basic daily care costs in out sanctuary.

Recurring supporters like sponsors also help us to foresee our abilities to take on new residents and piggy infrastructure projects which benefit all of the pigs, and the sanctuary as a whole!

We welcome sponsors to come and spend time at the sanctuary in order to visit their pigs, but don't worry if you can't make it...we send quarterly updates on their progress and are always happy to chat.

Meet some of our sponsorship candidates below, or if you already have a pig in mind simply type their name into the comments box during signup!

  • George 
  • Magenta
  • Bora
  • Petchewnya
  • Bessie
  • Barney

George, the gentle giant, was surrendered to us as a piglet, along with his brothers Ludwig & Mr. Tickle (also available to sponsor).

The boys were believed to have started life in an industrial farm, judging by their breed and "docked" tails.

Georges tail may be short, but he wags it none the less, especially when you have something tasty for him to eat; one of his favorite snacks is sultanas.

He wouldn't hurt a fly, but he would love a sponsor to keep him well fed and comfy as he grows old!


Magenta, aka "Magsy", was born at our sanctuary after her parents Bonnie & Clyde were rescued from an abandoned backyard farm where they had been left to starve.

Magenta is a lovely gentle girl with the most beautiful floppy ears which keep her oblivious to most of what is going on. Like everyone in her family, she really loves her food but would prefer if you bring it straight to her rather than competing with the others.


Bora came to live in our sanctuary as a very young piglet; rescued by a tame dingo after her parents were killed. Her story is very unique....That's Bora!

From the moment she arrived at CPI, she felt at home, and she has been making the most of it ever since.

Although Bora is one of our smaller pigs, she is a bit of a queen-pig on the inside and requires more food and straw than what you might think...She is looking for a special someone to be her sponsor who can help to support her good life!


Petchewnya (aka, Chewny) Was adopted into our sanctuary along with her sister Bessie after the pair jumped from a transport truck. The girls spent some time a rural pound until we were contacted to help.

Chewny is a funny and friendly girl who cheekily earned her name (a variation of Petunia) through her love of CHEWING on any loose clothing that passed her way.


Bessie is a sweet pig who was adopted into our sanctuary alongside her sister Chewnya after they jumped from a transport truck. The girls spent some time a rural pound until we were contacted to help.

Bessie has been living at Contented Pig Inn for 2 years now and has so much life ahead of her...She would love a special sponsor to ensure she has what she needs into the future!


Barney is a loveable pig who narrowly escaped being Christmas Lunch...He was advertised for "free" as he was not growing fast enough. We think he new the deal, because once he found sanctuary with us he grew round rapidly. Barney is now 5 years old and looking for a sponsor to help him live his best life into his golden years!

Sponsorship perks!

  • Make a pigs day, every day!
  • Merch perks on special occasions
  • Quarterly piggy updates via email
  • Certificate of sponsorship
  • Unlimited sanctuary visits

Sponsorship can be paid on a weekly or monthly basis with an equivalent base rate of $80/month to match the actual cost of a pig in the sanctuary, or add a custom amount to cover extras such as medications.

We are also awaiting sponsorship





Little man

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