Welcome to the

Contented Pig Inn supporters club!

"Friends of the Inn" is a core crew of pig hero's who make our rescue mission possible!

Have a positive impact in the lives of rescue pigs & get closer to the action as a member of the Friends of the Inn supporters club.

Establishing a regular donation & becoming a valued part of our security network, keeps the sanctuary residents fed, healthy, happy and safe on a day in-day out basis.

It also helps us to gauge our resources and ability to help more pigs in the future!

We like to thank our "Friends of the Inn" by keeping in touch regularly and involving supporters in...well...what they are supporting of course!

Perks will vary depending on what has been happening, but as a general rule, friends of the Inn receive monthly emails with "pig in the spotlight" content, as well as merch discounts & important sanctuary news.

Most importantly, your support helps our sanctuary and rescue work to continue, and directly makes the world a kinder & more compassionate place for pigs.

Design your sanctuary support plan 

How much should I chip in?

The great news is there is no right or wrong amount!

Every supporter is valuable to our sanctuary.

These are some regular expenses

which your donation can help with:

$5 -Sandwiches for making medicine taste good

$10 -Small bale of straw

$20- Feeds a pig for a whole week

$45- A big round hay bale

$80- Feeds a pig for a month

$150- A standard consult with the local vet

$500- Helps with larger medical bills

$1500 - Fills the grain silo!

Hang out with us and other supporters on Patreon...


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